Operation: Unfortunate Son

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Inlägg: 1292
Blev medlem: sön 02 maj 2010, 23:01

Operation: Unfortunate Son

Inlägg av Kalle » sön 01 okt 2023, 11:12


The year is 1967. The War in Vietnam has been escalated by both parties. US Troop constantly fight NVA and Vietcong Guerrillas in all parts of Vietnam. Other Nations such as Australia, New Zealand and France have been committing more manpower in the Region. Most of the Australian Forces have been fighting in the Phuoc Tuy Province, an essential Region for the Vietcong Guerrillas. The Australians are reporting a lot of success due to there merciless counter-guerilla warfare tactics, but they do not have enough manpower to cover all the Areas and keep them secure. Due to this a battalion of marines has been dispatched to reinforce the Australian effort. Their task will be to man the many patrol bases out side of the main Airbase perimeter.

Fly to the main airbase and report to the base commander. He will give you further instruction on what to do. Your heavy equipment has already reached the airbase.

Användarens profilbild
Vicekorpral klass 1Vicekorpral klass 1
Inlägg: 115
Blev medlem: tis 08 dec 2015, 15:30

Re: Operation: Unfortunate Son

Inlägg av Hoffa » sön 01 okt 2023, 11:46


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