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JointOP: Operation: Desert Fortress

Postat: ons 17 jan 2024, 16:29
av Hassknatten


General Hamza Ezio "The Desert Viper" Assad's rise to power in Takistan was stained by a dark legacy of human rights violations. Tasked with suppressing a rebellion, Ezio's methods went beyond conventional warfare, plunging the region into a reign of terror.

Reports surfaced of secret prisons, where detainees faced brutal interrogations and disappeared without a trace. The infamous "Viper's Den," as it became known, was a symbol of Ezio's ruthless pursuit of control. Stories circulated of individuals subjected to inhumane treatment, their rights discarded in the name of maintaining order.

Ezio's forces, executing his directives with an unwavering loyalty, carried out extrajudicial executions and enforced a code of fear that stifled dissent. Villages suspected of harboring rebel sympathizers faced collective punishment, further emphasizing Ezio's disregard for the sanctity of human life.

As whispers of these atrocities spread, international organizations condemned Ezio's regime for its flagrant violations of human rights. The United Nations investigated claims of widespread abuse, attempting to shine a light on the dark corners of Takistan where Ezio's influence cast a long, oppressive shadow.

"The Desert Viper" became a symbol not only of military prowess but also of the moral cost of unchecked power. While some justified his actions as a necessary evil in the face of rebellion, others saw Ezio as a tyrant, leaving a scar on Takistan's history that would not easily fade away.

General Hamza Ezio "The Desert Viper" Assad's rise to power in Takistan was facilitated by his elite special forces unit, the Desert Shadows. Clad in all-black modern military gear, they earned their name through a combination of stealth, precision, and an ability to strike from the shadows.

The Shadows executed covert operations, infiltrated rebel strongholds, and carried out targeted assassinations with a level of finesse that seemed to defy detection. Their elusive tactics, resembling shadows that flitted across the desert landscape, made them a mysterious and feared presence. Employing advanced technology and psychological warfare, the Shadows sowed fear and discord, contributing to the oppressive atmosphere in Takistan.

Their proficiency in unconventional warfare, combined with a name that embodied their ability to operate unseen, made the Desert Shadows a formidable force. They played a crucial role in Ezio's campaign of suppression and human rights violations, leaving a dark legacy that echoed their enigmatic name.


212nd Panzergrenadierbataillon, Panzergrenadierbrigade 37 - Kunduz River Defense

The 212nd Panzergrenadierbataillon, Panzergrenadierbrigade 37, a critical unit within the 10th Panzerdivision, maintains defensive positions along the Kunduz River, anticipating an imminent counterattack by enemy forces. Intelligence signals a mix of armor and mechanized units, backed by formidable mortar and artillery.

Our battalion, strategically placed along the Kunduz River, is poised to face a range of threats. Coordination with supporting units, including the Panzerpionierbataillion 701 and the Panzerartilleriebattalion 375, is essential for optimizing firepower.

The Kunduz River, a natural barrier, strengthens our defensive positions, emphasizing the need to fortify and establish clear communication lines. Mission objectives include a delaying defense, followed by a counterattack to seize the fortress. Controlling key positions, neutralizing enemy armor, and coordinating artillery support remain priorities. Be mindful of the potential danger from the elite Desert Shadows, who may mount assaults from the rear or unexpected directions.

Communication within the battalion and with supporting units is paramount. Continuous intelligence gathering on enemy movements is essential for adapting our strategy during this evolving situation.

In conclusion, the 212nd Panzergrenadierbattalion, Panzergrenadierbrigade 37, faces a formidable enemy force along the Kunduz River. Swift and coordinated action is imperative for the delaying defense, followed by a counterattack to seize the fortress. Prioritize the defense of key positions, neutralize armored threats, and be vigilant against potential assaults from the elite Desert Shadows. Leverage supporting units for a comprehensive response, adapt to the evolving situation, and ensure effective communication to secure our position along the Kunduz River.
  • Entrench along the Kunduz River Defence Line
  • Fight a delaying defense to lower the enemies readiness
  • Hold the last phaseline
  • Counterattack breaking the stalemate at the river
  • Take the “Viper’s Den” mountain fortress


Re: JointOP: Operation: Desert Fortress

Postat: ons 17 jan 2024, 16:31
av Hassknatten
Time schedule:
  • Tech-Support available from: Monday, 15. January 2024 18:00 o'clock
  • Command Briefing: Sunday, 21. January 2024 17:00 o'clock
  • Slotting starts: Sunday, 21. January 2024 17:30 o'clock
  • Mission Starts: Sunday, 21. January 2024 18:00 o'clock
  • Mission Ends: Sunday, 21. January 2024 22:00 o'clock
Mission Responsibility: LuGoPa
Mission Builders: LuGoPa
Event - Information:
Area of operation: Kunduz Valley, Takistan
Army: US Army
Enemy: Takistan Army and Desert Shadows
Server - Information:

TeamSpeak 3 Server:
TFAR: 1.-1.0.334
Arma 3-Server (Tech-Check): IP: Pw: lasgo Port: 2304
Arma 3-Server (Event): IP: Pw: lasgo Port: 5302

Denna jointOP spelar 3 klaner tillsammans: SSG, Prae samt TTT.

Slotlist ser ut följande: ... =439766246

Re: JointOP: Operation: Desert Fortress

Postat: ons 17 jan 2024, 18:38
av Enfisk
Tekniska detaljer

Det är riktigt bra drag i PRAEs Arma3Sync, man får hem saker himla kvickt! (Typ 10-12Mb/s vilket är flertalet gånger snabbare än vår..)
För att lägga till deras repository gör såhär:

1. Kör igång Arma3Sync och klicka på fliken "Repositories"
2. Klicka på den stora blåa + knappen ute till höger
3. Kopiera in det här:
4. och klicka på Import, sen OK
Gör nu som "vanligt", välj Repositories fliken och klicka dig på in [PRAE] Coop. Bocka i allt och kör sync.
Dubbelkolla att din modline har rätt namn för Kunduz kartans mapp!
Modline är:

Kod: Markera allt


Server - Information:
Arma3 servern kanske är uppe redan idag (2024-01-17) eller så är den inte det, absolut senast så är den igång söndag morgon!
TeamSpeak 3 Server:
Arma 3-Server (Tech-Check):
Pw: lasgo
Port: 2304

Arma 3-Server (Event):
Pw: lasgo
Port: 5302

Re: JointOP: Operation: Desert Fortress

Postat: ons 17 jan 2024, 21:08
av Hassknatten

Dammar av denna klenod inför söndag

Re: JointOP: Operation: Desert Fortress

Postat: tor 18 jan 2024, 19:10
av Hassknatten
En del frågetecken har det funnits kring att inga sjukvårdsroller finns i skyttet för jointOP.

Det är meningen att det finns 1 sjukvårdare per pluton, i syftet att öka behovet av att falla bakåt till en sjukvårdsplats t.ex.

Men skyttet har egen medikamente med sig i fält
  • 10 st Basic
  • 7 st Packing
  • 5 st Elastic
  • 1x Epi
  • 2x Morfin
Utöver detta så är stitching fortsatt aktuellt, och plutonsjukvårdaren kommer att behöva besökas på plutonssjukvårdsplats!

Vid frågor kring detta, kontakta Enfisk!

Re: JointOP: Operation: Desert Fortress

Postat: tor 18 jan 2024, 22:52
av Hoffa
Jag hoppas verkligen att det är som fisken säger, att man tål sjukt mycket mer. Annars lär ju detta bli en enda stor sjukvårdsövning. hahahaha- Spännande.

Re: JointOP: Operation: Desert Fortress

Postat: fre 19 jan 2024, 17:02
av LuGoPa
Corrected Modline:

Modline was missing @3CBF

Re: JointOP: Operation: Desert Fortress

Postat: mån 22 jan 2024, 12:50
av LuGoPa
Thank You for everyone who took part in the op. I was a very changing op with lots of highs and lows. Great job to everyone. I'll try and do a follow up OP to finally catch the Evil General.