Operation: Kunduz Rumble

Moderator: S2 Uppdragsgruppen

Inlägg: 1327
Blev medlem: sön 02 maj 2010, 23:01

Operation: Kunduz Rumble

Inlägg av Kalle » tor 06 feb 2025, 18:29



LOCATION: Kunduz Province, Afghanistan
TIME: 2025-02-09
WEATHER: Sandstorm

An insurgent force has seized control of FOB Fallout after fighting against the Takistan army once again broke out. The enemy presence in this area has been intense and earlier the only friendly presence in the Kunduz River area has been the american base. However during the night insurgents moved in and forced a evacuation from the airfield. We are now ready to recapture it from the enemy forces.

Currently, our team is staged at a rally point, concealed under the cover of a bridge from the sandstorm that has been hammering the region for the past few hours. The storm is expected to clear shortly, providing a window for assault before insurgents can reinforce or reposition.


MARSOC Assault Team (Player Force) – Primary strike element responsible for recapturing the airfield.
Takistan Army Support (4x T-55 MBTs) –
Phase 1: T-55s leads the push toward the airfield, clearing hostile defenses.
Phase 2: T-55s establish a defensive perimeter covering the northeastern flank, preventing enemy reinforcements from counterattacking.

Civilian IDAP personel has been known to work in the area with bringing supplies, water and food to the civilians in need. Before the retreat one of the friendly troops objectives have been to help guard the civilians and their supplies. When we retreated their fate is unknown and we have not been able to get any reports of their status.


Insurgent fighters are entrenched at the airfield.
IED threat present – Route selection and movement discipline are critical.
Possible technical vehicles and light armored elements.
Expect reinforcements from the northeast if alarm is raised.


Civilians present – Avoid collateral damage, but you are free to engage hostiles in civilian areas if needed and enemy forces are confirmed.
Minimize destruction of infrastructure unless necessary to complete objectives.

Move out from the rally point before the sandstorm dissipates.
T-55s lead the assault, pushing through enemy defenses toward the airfield.
MARSOC forces move in behind armor, clearing remaining resistance and securing equipment.
Once the airfield is secured, T-55s reposition to hold the northeastern flank.


Assault and secure the airfield – Engage and neutralize insurgent forces occupying the area.
Recover lost U.S. equipment – Prevent further exploitation of our assets by hostile forces.


T55 till VL, sen helis
Standardutrustning (TL)



Tid: Eftermiddag/kväll.
IED hot: Förhöjt, fienden har ofta använt IEDer, var försiktiga och var uppmärksamma på booby traps!
AA Hot: Oklart

Inlägg: 1327
Blev medlem: sön 02 maj 2010, 23:01

Re: Operation: Kunduz Rumble

Inlägg av Kalle » fre 07 feb 2025, 08:28

Erik är tolk denna operationen om vi behöver intervjua någon by The way

Inlägg: 1327
Blev medlem: sön 02 maj 2010, 23:01

Re: Operation: Kunduz Rumble

Inlägg av Kalle » sön 09 feb 2025, 06:26

Uppdaterat IED hot info.

Vicekorpral klass 3Vicekorpral klass 3
Inlägg: 179
Blev medlem: mån 19 mar 2012, 15:50

Re: Operation: Kunduz Rumble

Inlägg av Erik » sön 09 feb 2025, 12:04

Kalle skrev: fre 07 feb 2025, 08:28 Erik är tolk denna operationen om vi behöver intervjua någon by The way
Oj, vad innebär detta? Jag är inte så duktig på pashto. :P

Inlägg: 1327
Blev medlem: sön 02 maj 2010, 23:01

Re: Operation: Kunduz Rumble

Inlägg av Kalle » sön 09 feb 2025, 16:16

Vi litar på din förmåga att snabbt skriva över det du hör i google translate! Om vi inte kan hitta kommande objektiv pga bristande intel läge så vet vi vem vi ska skälla på!

Skriv svar